Graphing calculators have become an important tool, especially in classrooms for many math courses, including geometry and algebra, and some science courses. They can be used to perform many different functions. Here's how to use a Casio graphing calculator.
1. Press "AC/On" to turn the calculator on. When you need to clear the memory move the cursor to the "Mem" screen and press "exe." Highlight "Reset" and press the "exe" key again. When prompted to "Reset all memories?" press "F1" and you'll receive a "Memory cleared" message.
2. Select "Graph" and press the "exe" key to begin entering math equations. Enter the first equation at "y1" and hit the "exe" key after each one. This means "enter" or "=" and it selects that equation for graphing.
3. Continue entering all necessary math equations and hitting "exe" after each one on all the lines that continue starting at "y2." Verify that the "=" is darkened on each equation and you're ready to graph.
4. Assign a color to each graph line by selecting it and pressing "F4." Select the desired color where "F1 = blue," "F2 = orange" and "F3 = green." Hit the "exe" key again to graph each line using the assigned colors.
5. Graph the equations by pressing the "F6" key. Resize the graphing window by selecting "View" and "Window" from the menu. Press the "Shift" and "F3" keys to change the window size.
Tips & Warnings
- Close every parentheses set or the equation will not work correctly.
- Use the arrow key to put your cursor in the right place and use the "Delete" key to remove any mistakes.
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